Where do YOU fit In YOUr life? (Journaling Journey)

Journaling Journey-Where Do You Fit

Often, we are everyone’s everything. We’re the center of everything moving around us. We are the glue of our endeavors, family, friends, community. But what happens when we’ve given away all there is to give, and we are left with nothing for ourselves? It takes work to be everybody’s everything, but it takes some serious soul work to be you for you.


Number a page in your journal from 1-24 representing the hours in a day. List everything you do each hour. Once you have your list: work, pick up the kids, and so on and so on, go back and highlight all the times in your day that are solely about nurturing and breathing for yourself. Then, on the next page of your journal, write a conversation between the self you are for everyone else and the self you may be neglecting. How can you balance more to include yourself in your own life?

Journaling Journey-Where Do You Fit

Journaling Journey-Where Do You Fit